Thursday, October 8, 2009

AL:"Rip Van Winkle" Behavior

Some argue that Rip Van Winkle has very adolescent behavior. How might this be true or untrue? Use specific examples from the text.


  1. Rip Van Winkle's behavior was far from mature. You'd figure an old married husband and father would take responisibility for his duties and expectations. Instead Rip ignored them and ran away from his problems. Sometime in a man's life you'd hope they would grow up enough to be able to admit they're wrong and fix the issues.

  2. I think That this is true because when his wife was nagging him about how he is lazy, and how he is a bad influence on his kids, he just shrugs it off and carrys on with whatever he was doing. -brandyn

  3. I think its true cause if u notice he doesn't really care that much of what his wife says. He tries to avoid helping around the house with the kids and such... Also that he would rather spend time with the kids of the town than his own family.

  4. Rip wasn't either mature nor immature. He did show adolescent behavior at times. Always wanting an adventure by exploring the woods, or by playing with the town kids or teaching them games.

    Erik C

  5. that was blake the one above^^^^^ at 10:41AM

  6. This is true that Rip Van Winkle has very adolescent behavior. Every time his wife is bothering him, he just runs off like a panzee. He has no self respect for his self. He should stand up to her but he doesnt, he just lets her power over him.


  7. I think Rip can be both mature and lazy. He helps people so he is mature for that. However he wont help his onw family therefore he can be adolescent

  8. Rip Van Winkle's behavior was very childish. Even though his wife was rude and he didn't feel at peace in his home, instead of escaping his problems he should have confronted them. If someone has something to say about your actions, the mature thing to do is to talk to them about it. Instead, Rip would ignore his wife and take a stroll into the woods. That isn't something an adult should do.

    -Nick K

  9. I believe that Rip Van Winkle had a very adolescent air about him. Whenever his wife asked him to help around the house he would shrug and leave to get away from another volley of insults. He was very lazy when it came to working on his own house and taking care of his family. Lexi M.

  10. I think that Rip Van Winkle was not immature but he wasn't necissarily mature either. Some of his behaviors like staying away from home and playing with the kids in the village are some more childlike behaviors. Not many things he did seemed mature but when you think about it he must have taken care of his family in some way because they did have food and a place to live. Thinking about this shows that he wasn't just a big kid. So I believe that it wasn't just one or the other. I think that it was some kind of balance. It may have been uneven but both of the behaviors were displayed at one point in time.
    Ellen F.

  11. In the story Rip was very childish. It even said he loved playing with the children in his village. He also completely ignored his duties at home, and to ignore backlash from his wife, he would run away into the woods. That definitely shows a lack of maturity.
    - Hailey T

  12. I think its true. He is really unmature and never comfront his problem. All he does is runs away from it by going towards the forest and it just doesnt solve anything. This really does lead to bad influence to other people, like his kids.


  13. Yes, i agree that Van Winkle had a very adolescent behavior because of his actions. Like he doesnt like his wife and cant stand her than why is he still putting up with her if hes old. Another example is that he is not responsible. he doesn t take care of his faar, children or wife. And when he has problems that he doesnt want to handle or just get away he runs away to the woods. Thats an inmature decision because instead of acting like an adult that he should be, he acts like a teenager that doesnt know how to handle obsticles in their life.

    Kathy V.

  14. Yeah sometimes Rips bahavior was imature but thats just how he is. He also would do good things for other poeple. Especially his kids, you can tell that he would do anything for them. Also for his fellow neighbors.

    Fabian L.

  15. I think that Brandyn is right. Because of course his wife would nagg at him but he did all he could to make things better

    Fabian L.
