Tuesday, November 17, 2009

AL: Extra Credit: Texting

First of all, Nick, Ashley, and Linette had fabulous posts! If you want examples of high quality work, please examine their posts. They provide thoughtful responses full of insight.

Another thing I noticed was the errors in your writing. In numerous posts, there were misspellings and improper punctuation and capitalization. Consequently, I pose the following question to you: Has texting and social networking destroyed formal writing? Do students know the difference between formal and informal writing? Are students just careless, or do they not know the difference?

What are your thoughts/insights?


  1. I think that some of the kids are just careless. I think they text so much that they just get used to typing like that. I think most of the student know the difference between formal and informal writing, they just aren't paying enough tension to notice what they did write and what was wrong. Also it is hard to look at the screen and type word for word you are thinking. That is why microsoft is so helpful. It tells you most of the mistakes that you made. Writing this pharagraph I probably made some mistakes to that I would notice on microsoft and not on here. Also when you're reading it to yourself you think it is right but when somebody else reads it to you or themself they can see the mistakes.

  2. For the most part, students are just too careless to use formal writing. We all learned the correct way to write before we learned to text, so I doubt that anyone could completely forget. Students are extremely lazy. There are quite a few people who will use informal writing whenever they can (such as when their spelling and conventions are not being graded). I would not say that social networking has destroyed formal writing, but some of the students who hardly care for their performance will slowly get worse at it. I do believe that some people might get so used to writing informally that they actually have to make an attempt to write correctly, but I also think that all of those people are capable of doing it so long as they do make the attempt.

    -Nick K

  3. I do not know if it is that students are careless, as much as they are just used to the way they type. I mean when you are texting it is so easy to just run sentences together, not worry about puncuation, or being gramatically correct. Since everyone does it also it's normal. I know that is the way I see it, when I write for class though I try my hardest to be gramatically and puncually correct.
