Thursday, November 5, 2009

AL: Authors

We have covered several different author and time periods this year. Which author has been your favorite so far? Why? Which author has been your least favorite so far? Why?


  1. My most favorite author would have to be Dr. sues. As a being a kid he was always a favorite and still is to many. now as being older i am more understanding to his meanings to all of his stories.they are all aphorisms. My least favorite author would beC.J. Anders.His novels are too scattered he tries to be like Stephen Kings but he really just lies all the clues out for you. There is no surprise. Like in Its too hot to handle, that novel was a comedy instead of a mystery or supense novel.

  2. My favorite would have to be Edgar Allan Poe. I really like how he expresses his sorrow through his writing. It may not be the nicest things to read, but they are usually unique which makes them good. :D And I don't really have a least favorite at the moment.

  3. My favorite author so far would have to be edgar allan poe because i like his intesity in his writing. And that his movies are really freakin cheese yo! -brandyn R

  4. My favorite author so far this semester would have to be Edgar Allan Poe. I love the passion and certain darkness about him that you can feel through his poems. My least favorite author would definately have to be Washington Irving. I don't really like his style of writing and the way that he describes things doesn't really make sense to me.
    Ellen F.

  5. well my favorite author so far would be edgar allan poe because his writing is so passionate and it brings out a totally different side to a guy. Also i liked his writing because of his feelings and how he expresses himself and his pain that he went threw. Fianlly i don't have a least favorite author right now.

    kathy v.

  6. My favorite author we've read so far would be Arthur Miller. I liked all the smybolism he used in the crucible, and how easy he made it to like his characters.
    My least favorite author would have to be Edgar Allen Poe. although very discriptive, I don't like how dark his writing is.

    -Hailey T

  7. I don't really know why but I like Mr. Poe, he is just an amazing writer, he can really make a nice picture in your noggin. My least favorite author is the guy that wrote Rip van winkle.

  8. Although I can't say that I actually like any of the authors we have covered in class, I would have to say that the best so far has been Arthur Miller. "The Crucible" was a well-written book because each of the characters had a different kind of conflict to deal with despite there being only one problem: witchcraft. The girls had to make accusations to keep from getting in trouble, Reverend Parris had to hide things and side with the court to keep his good name, and John Proctor had to disprove witches before many people of the town were condemned. I felt a powerful message from the book despite the fact that it's setting took place hundreds of years ago.
    My least favorite author is Emerson. "Self-reliance" had to be the most pointless thing I have read in my life. Not only do I not agree with transcendentalist views, but Emerson has a way of saying so much without actually saying anything at all. I literally was falling asleep while reading it due to sheer boredom.

    -Nick K.

  9. My favorite would have to be Emerson. I don't know why. I don't Neccesarily like what he rights about but he writes so beautifully that I can't help but read more and more of his writing.

    -Erik C

  10. i agree with Eric it may not be the best writing but hes so intense and so passionate about what he writes aabout that you just want to keep reading. He wraps you into his writing.

    Kathy V.

  11. From all the stories we have read this semester so far, my favorite author would have to be Arthur Miller. For many english course classes, we are given pointless stories to read but this story was beyond the expectations. The book was written like a play so you can't help but imagine all of the scenes. With the plot and conflicts going on, you are immediately pulled in. I have to say that The Crucible was the best book we have read in class ever.

    For the least favorite, I have to agree with Nick. I was very confused while reading Self Reliance, it was not that clear to me at all. It was nearly impossible to stay focused when each sentence led you to something different.

    Linette C.

  12. I think that my favorite author so far would have to be Edgar Allan Poe. First of all when he writes it just brings you in. Also at first you mignt not understand it but after a few words the who story is amazing.

    Fabian L.

  13. My favorite author is probably Edgar Allan Poe. I like his dark scary story cause I like to watch or read tragic and scary movies or stories. Although his story are a little difficult to understand but not as much as someother writer.
    My least favorite would probably be Aurther Miller. I think his book the crucible was really boring. I fell asleep trying to read it and that is what I didn't even finsh the book. I can't say that I hate Aurther Miller cause the crucible is probably the only book I read of his but I really hated reading the book. But then again I do hate reading most books.

    Amitpal B

  14. Many of the author's we covered were not very interesting and note worthy. But if i had to pick my favorite, i would say Washington Irving. He wrote Rip Van Winkle which caught my eye, it was intriguing to read because it made more since than all the other books we have read. And had a good plot to it. My least favorite is Edgar Allen Poe. Everything he writes is boring and you cant fallow his stories very well. Nothing catches my eye with his writing techniques.

    Greg R.
